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Are you Enthusiastic, Interested in a career in Engineering and prepared to work hard?


Then we can offer you excellent training and the opportunity to study for a recognised engineering qualification as well as a wage from Day 1.

The Value of Apprenticeships

Sterling Hydraulics Ltd has always recognised the value of its apprenticeships and has believed strongly in fulfilling its commitment to the future.

The training provided by Sterling Hydraulics provides all around understanding of engineering and during the course some of the apprentices will find themselves in the design and planning office doing CAD or CAM work, while others will prefer to be hands on in the works.

During the first year apprentices attend block release at the local college in Yeovil from September to July, and then in their second year they undertake day release at college.

We are very much aware that once qualified, our apprentices need employment and Sterling Hydraulics endeavour to ensure we create the opportunities to meet the aspirations of our newly qualified engineers. The technical department often use the apprenticeship scheme as a stepping-stone for people who will grow their careers. Opportunities also exist in sales as Sales Engineers and the chance to travel the world.

New applications are invited in February / March time each year. Applicants will need to be either taking GCSE’s in the following June or already have undertaken further education to A level, GNVQ or equivalent level.

Posted on: 23 May 2005     Closing date: 31 Dec 2006

Sterling Hydraulics Ltd, Sterling House, Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 8LL, UK.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1460 271800
